Beyond the Bean: A Letter from India’s Coffee Heart

Greetings, fellow coffee lovers! Recently, I embarked on a journey not just through landscapes, but through the very lives of those who bring us the joy of a perfect cup. I ventured into the heart of Karnataka, the cradle of Indian coffee, to meet the small growers who nourish our morning rituals.

What I encountered was more than rolling hills and fragrant plantations. It was a story of resilience, of battling nature's whims and market uncertainties. This season, heavy rains have dealt a cruel blow, causing a staggering 30-35% drop in production. Coffee berries, meant to adorn the branches until December, have fallen victim to relentless downpours, leaving growers staring at a bleak harvest.

But their spirit, like the rich soil that nurtures their coffee, remains grounded. They spoke of rising labor costs, landslides that devoured precious land, and the ever-present struggle against fluctuating global prices. It's a struggle that often goes unnoticed, hidden behind the polished surfaces of our cafes and the convenience of online orders.


However, here's what I learned - your cup of coffee holds the echoes of these challenges. The vibrant aroma tells of sun-drenched mornings, the nuanced flavors whisper of meticulous hand-picking, and the bittersweet undertones speak of anxieties etched by weather and market forces.

For us, as roasters and coffee enthusiasts, it's a call to action. We must move beyond simply enjoying the final product and embrace the complexities of its journey. We must seek out ethical sourcing, prioritize small, sustainable farms, and pay fair prices that reflect the true value of their labour and love.

By choosing artisanal roasters like ikviti, you become part of a chain of support that stretches from those sun-kissed hills to your mug. You become a champion for these courageous growers, ensuring their dreams don't get washed away by the next downpour.

So, the next time you sip your coffee, pause for a moment. Appreciate the craft, the passion, the resilience that went into each drop. And if you find yourself yearning for a deeper connection, reach out to us. We'd be happy to share stories of the farms we source from, connecting you directly with the hands that nurture your daily fix.

Together, let's brew a more sustainable, equitable future for Karnataka's coffee heroes.


Choking on Fog? Turning Delhi's Smog Grey into Action Green

It's November in North India, and the annual ritual of toxic smog is back, cloaking cities like Delhi and Gurugram in a deadly grey blanket. While the air quality plummets to hazardous levels, our lungs fight for every breath, and life comes to a standstill. But instead of succumbing to despair, let's turn this choking grey into a catalyst for action, a springboard for green solutions.

This isn't just about a few uncomfortable days; it's about a public health crisis. Air pollution claims millions of lives in India every year, and Delhi consistently ranks among the world's most polluted cities. It's time to stop accepting this as our fate and start demanding change.


From Bean to Cup: A Coffee Adventure in Bangalore

Forget cozy cafes! Our latest coffee adventure took us to the heart of the action. Grounds-up is a Bangalore roastery where the magic happens. Our friend and well-wisher - Salman, the master roaster at Salawara Estate, was our guide.

Just stepping into the roastery cum café was a treat. The air buzzed with the rhythmic rumble of roasters and the intoxicating aroma of fresh beans. It was like walking into a Willy Wonka factory for coffee lovers!

Salman, with his contagious enthusiasm, was the perfect teacher. He showed us how the roastery works, explaining how temperature and time unlock the hidden flavors in each bean. Each crackle and pop was like a tiny explosion of flavor!

But the real fun was tasting the results. Salman brewed up not one, not two, but TEN different coffees for us! Each roast, from light and bright to dark and chocolatey, was like a trip to a different flavor world. We sipped sunshine in a citrusy light roast, then snuggled into the deep, comforting hug of a dark roast. In fact, he showed us different types of ceramic cups that highlight different flavors of each roast.

It wasn't just about the taste, though. Salman’s passion was infectious. He talked about working directly with farmers, respecting the bean's journey from plant to cup, and making sure every roast does the bean justice. It is a philosophy that resonates with ikviti - good coffee starts with good people and ethical practices!

Leaving the roastery, we carried more than just the coffee aroma. It was a reminder that the coffee we love is a story waiting to be told, from the sun-drenched hills to the roaster's careful touch.

So next time you raise a cup, take a moment to savor the journey it has taken. And if you're ever in Bangalore, seek out Salman’s craft in Grounds-up roastery. You might just discover your own coffee adventure, bean by blissful bean!