About ikviti

ikviti represents a vision for a brighter future—a society built on equity and sustainability, powered by the magic of specialty coffee. To us, it's more than just a beverage; it's a bridge uniting small-scale farmer, city dwellers, and our joint crusade against the climate crisis. Specialty coffee isn't merely a passing trend; it's a movement gaining momentum. It's embraced by the vibrant, ambitious youth of India, congregating in chic cafes, savoring some of the world's finest brews. At ikviti, we view this as more than just a business opportunity—it's a chance to make a meaningful social impact at scale.


ikviti thrives on hyperactive optimism, and you won't find us in flashy marketplaces. Instead, we're right where people live—literally at their doorsteps! Our concept is simple: setting up cozy coffee spots within residential areas. We serve exceptional coffee while fostering a network of engaged citizens, equipping them with tools and knowledge to tackle the climate crisis—neighborhood by neighborhood.

When we talk about the climate crisis, the scale can feel overwhelming, leaving us feeling lost and disheartened. But when we shift the focus to our own communities, suddenly hope blossoms. What once seemed too vast becomes manageable—'It's big, but I can make a difference!' We stop waiting for governments and realize, 'If not me, then who?' The crisis isn't some distant issue; it's here and now!

Our Values

The principles that guide us are the backbone of our company. We continuously strive to positively impact the lives of each of our guests, employees, partners, and farmers - day in and day out.

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high quality

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pure grades

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proper roasting

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Wide assortment